Dabar žiūrima kategorija: Angliški

Five benefits of kissing:
1. Changes taste,
2. Burns calories,
3. Lips never get dried,
4. Relieves stress,
5. Makes face much stronger.
So keep kissing

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If the day comes when I die,
And I go up in the sky,
As I am there so far…
I’ll write your name on every star,
So you look up and see,
How much you really mean to me…

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I asked God for a flower, he gave me a garten,
I asked for a tree, he gave me a forest,
I asked for a river, he gave me an ocean,
I asked for an angel, he gave me you!

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I reached into my pocket -
I found nothing.
I reached into my wallet -
I found some coins.
I reached into my heart
And I found you!
Then I realised how rich I am…

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A woman likes to have four animals in the house: a jaguar in front of the doorway, a fox in the closet, a bull in bed, and a numbskulll to pay for this all.

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At this moment i have a déjà vu and a loss of memory at the same time. I thin I have forgotten this before.

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Be friendly with your kids, they choose your home when you are old!

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Birdy birdy in the sky, left a poopie in my eye. Me don’t care, me don’t cry, me just happy that a cow can’t fly!!

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Braindetector activated, calibrating, now searching………still searching……get a good grip of your mobile….still searching…….no brains found.

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Did I not see you yesterday at the mall, with a grey jacket? No? O, than it was a rubbish bag after all!

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For you I would go as far as the end of the world. Do you promise to stay here ?”

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If you really ressemble the picture on your ID, you are not fit enough to travel

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My mother in law walks five miles every day, I wonder where she is at this moment…

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Nice perfume… but do you really need to marinate in it?

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One out of four people is a chinese. If your father, your mother and your brother are not Chinese, it must be you.

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Read in a hospital… The psychiatrist may nog be disturbed

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Roses are red, violets are blue, frankenstein is ugly but what the hell happened to you????

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Smoking is allowed in this area, blowing not!

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The more I learn the more I get to know, the more I know the more I forget, the more I forget the less I know, so why should I be learning??

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The one who digs a hole for someone else, is sweating blood !

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